Easy Food | Chicken Steak

Ok, It's been forever but I'm back with another easy peasy recipe. It was around this time last year I did the Eton Mess one.. oops!

You will need 3 medium sized chicken breast pieces, salt, pepper, (I use low fat greek) yoghurt or half a lime, Oil, Badia Complete Seasoning (or other spice mix of choice) along with a non metal dish, grill or grill pan.

So you start with the marinade and there's two different ingredients you may use as your base, yoghurt or the juice of half a lime. Put that into the non metal dish that you'll be setting your chicken aside in. Metal/Steel dishes give meat a weird taste. Add half a teaspoon salt and pepper, and a heaped teaspoon of the Badia seasoning. Mix together, add your chicken breast making sure to coat well and leave to marinate for at least 15 minutes.

Add some oil to your grill and turn on medium heat. Place your chicken on and leave to cook 5 minutes on each side before turning over. Continue the process until you see the chicken is done. It usually takes me around half an hour total to do this.

When you're done. Serve hot with whatever side you prefer; chips, rice, potato, mixed veg etc.


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